‎The Compassionate Career: Job Opportunities in Social Work‎

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Thinking about becoming a social worker? Well, my goal with this post is to facilitate you information on how to reach that goal and introduce you to the great amount of job opportunities this field has to offer.

Let’s start by noting that social work is a broad field, and you can do a lot with your degree. Some of the jobs you can have are, but not limited to:

  • Child Welfare: Social workers in child welfare work with children and families to ensure the safety and well-being of children. They may work for government agencies, non-profit organizations, or private agencies.
  • School Social Work: School social workers provide support services to students, families, and school staff to address social, emotional, and behavioral issues that may impact a student’s academic success.
  • Healthcare: Social workers may work in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities to provide support to patients and their families. They assist with discharge planning, provide counseling, and connect patients with community resources, etc.
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse: Providing counseling and support services to individuals struggling with mental health issues or substance abuse disorders. They may work in hospitals, mental health clinics, substance abuse treatment centers, or private practice.
  • Community Development: Work to empower communities and address social justice issues. They may work for non-profit organizations, government agencies, or grassroots community groups.
  • Gerontology: Work with older adults to address issues related to aging, such as healthcare, housing, and long-term care.
  • Criminal Justice: Social workers in the criminal justice system work with individuals who are involved in the legal system, such as inmates, probationers, and parolees. They may provide counseling, advocacy, and support services to help individuals reintegrate into society.
  • International Social Work: Social workers may also work internationally, providing support and assistance to communities in developing countries or responding to humanitarian crises.

The jobs mentioned are just a few examples of the many job opportunities available to social workers! Additionally, social workers can choose to specialize in specific populations or issues, such as working with refugees, veterans, LGBTQ+ individuals, survivors of trauma, along with others.

Cool, there are a lot of options I can pick from… But how do I get there? Well, first you will have to get your Bachelors of Social Work (BSW). This is an undergraduate degree that will allow you to be employable after you are done with your degree and get your limited license. The great thing about a BSW is that you are not required to pursue a Masters of Social Work (MSW), if you enjoy casework then you can start working right away as long as you have your limited license!

If you are more inclined to do clinical work, then you will need to get your MSW! This will open your doors to even more opportunities. After two years of having your MSW and limited license, you can apply for a full license that will allow you to practice independently without the supervision of a another fully licensed social worker.

Licensing will differ from state to state, if you are interested on how to get your license in Alaska here you will find all the different licenses you can apply for: Professional Licensing. Each one of them has a PDF file explaining the steps, fees, and requirements you will be asked for.

After doing research trying to find a good resume template, I found 2 useful websites with resources for anyone interested in building their resume as a social worker. The first one is from Beamjobs, this website has A LOT of examples depending on your situation (career changes, more or less experience on the field, etc.) They not only look “aesthetic” and modern, but are extremely easy to edit and download. Loyola University Chicago is the other option, I went through different universities resumes examples and this one look the most appealing to me. Even though it only provides 2 examples, it goes in detail on why, how, and when to use certain information, sentences, titles, etc. Of course, you are always free to do your own research and pick whatever fits you and your personal situation.

If you would like to dive deeper into the job opportunities this fantastic field has to offer to you, I would recommend you to check Chapter 5 in the Ebook ‘Introduction to Social Work at Ferris State University’.

I wish you luck in your path of becoming a social worker!


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