Finding my purpose

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me and my brother

My name is Victoria Tichenor and this is my story. I was originally born in a small town outside of Staunton, VA. My parents then had my little brother pictured two years later. We were a normal, happy family until something changed one day. My parents were getting into fights constantly over the littlest things. I had just moved out with my now ex boyfriend and I honestly thought it was all my fault. The thoughts were running around my head like nothing else. This is how I’ve always been always overthinking, causing myself anxiety, etc. I want to change that I want to realize that not everything is my fault and I shouldn’t be sorry for have an valid opinion or something else. I should be able to do things that I love without being anxious or scared someone will make fun.

My mom is my biggest supporter by far even now. She has always accepted me for who I am and who I will become. She is my role model. She always has the most confidence in a room, she knows exactly what ti say at all time. That could also be led to the fact that she’s a clinical therapist. Anyways, I want to be a social worker because I want to show people the light at the end of the tunnel and help people in anyway that I can just like my mom and dad.

Alaska has been my home since 2018 when my dad was surprisingly stationed here. My dad is in the US Navy and the navy is not usually selected to move here, but I am so glad he did. I love Alaska summers the winter are terrible for me because before Alaska I lived in nice warm climates. Alaska isn’t for the faint at heart and someday I hope to go back to the lower 48 but for now Im enjoying my stay.

Social Work was never my intended career path through high school. I went to college back in 2021 and was studying Elementary Education and I thought that this was my career, but looking further into it and actually working with small children I realized that I one didn’t have the patience for them and two it wasn’t something that my heart wanted. So now in 2024 I have used the last 3 years to dive deeper into my heart and figure out what I wanted to do. I honestly think its Social Work I’m taking this class to see if this is truly what I want and I’m so far really enjoying it and hope to better my decision by choosing to change my major to Social Work.

6 Responses

  1. Sarai Gomez


    I resonated with you when you said you love the summers, but winters here aren’t for you. I, too, don’t like the cold, but for some reason, I keep moving back to Fairbanks. I am happy to know that you and your mom have a healthy, loving relationship. Family is important and can be your biggest support group.

    • Victoria Tichenor

      Hi Sarai,

      Thank you so much! I really do love Alaska but these last two winters have been either so cold or overly snowy and I’m not all about the snow but the summers most definitely make up for it!

  2. Robi Naranjo

    Thank you for sharing, Alaska winters can be so hard, I feel you lol, I miss the sun and warmth. That is cool that your mom is a clinical therapist, she is probably so excited your interested in social work. It is so wise of you to dig deep and make sure your doing what you really want to do!

    • Victoria Tichenor

      Hi Robi,

      I think she really is excited for this new path, she isn’t much for showing her emotions but I can feel it. This winter has not been my favorite lol I’m so really for summer!

  3. Ian Miller

    Hi Victoria! Reading your post I can’t help but admire how kind and understanding you talk about yourself. “This is how I’ve always been always overthinking, causing myself anxiety, etc. I want to change that I want to realize that not everything is my fault and I shouldn’t be sorry for have an valid opinion or something else”. I hear you seeing in yourself that you are ready and capable of change. That is such a great quality and skill to have, because we all know that some days sure do challenge us. I am excited for you to experience social work classes, they truly are so rewarding.

    • Victoria Tichenor

      Hi Ian,

      Thank you so much for your comment! I’m really trying hard to get out of the overthinking groove of things and I’m hoping to try new things soon!