Who I Was Shaped Me Into Who I Am Now…

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2 Responses

  1. Ben Woods

    Hi there Trinity! After reading your blog I’m happy to see you’re in the Captain’s seat of your own ship! Forensics seems interesting and very important. I firmly believe a life of service is a life worth living. Sparky looks like my dog Rosy! Is he a Bichon mix?

  2. Elizabeth Jackson

    Trinity, you have a great story,
    I admire your commitment to your family being that your husband moved from Florida to Alaska. Coming from someone who came from the East Coast, it was not easy for me or my family back home. However, you stayed positive and supportive and that is all that matters.
    I am excited for your future in the justice field. I have always been intrigued by it. So intrigued that I accidentally got a minor in Justice. I think you will go far and hope you reach your goals even if some goals come along the way!