Donald J. Trump

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Women's Healthcare

Child Welfare

Racial Equality

Cited Work

Moore, E. (2020, October 16). Trump’s and Biden’s plans for racial equality. NPR.

President Donald J. Trump is taking action to strengthen America’s child welfare system and improve outcomes for children and families – the White House. (2020, June 24). The White House.,outcomes%20for%20children%20and%20families.

President Trump signs historic child Welfare Executive Order. (n.d.). The Administration for Children and Families.

The Trump administration wants to take away women’s rights. (n.d.). Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Zoellner, D. (2020, March 6). Five major things Trump has done to roll back women’s rights | The Independent. The Independent.

11 Responses

  1. Michelle Dunham

    My coworker and I were talking one day about Trump during his term as President. She kept going on and on how awful he was towards women, chauvinistic and so on. I agreed, and kept working as she kept talking. I began to remember previous Presidents and ensuing scandals of all kinds, and something about a woman named Monica? Anyway, during a gap in her speech, I stated that I totally agreed with her. And she, knowing I had actually voted for him seemed shocked and asked me why.

    He may be a buffoon, socially inept, and oblivious at times. And yes, he is a chauvinistic pig. But what I had to admire, was that at least he was honest about it.

    If I have to vote for an honest pig over a lying snake? Well, we all have our right to vote.

    • Victoria Tichenor

      Hi Michelle,

      Thank you for sharing the story about your coworker. I can see where you are coming from with voting and honestly I agree at least you know who your voting for straight up instead of voting for someone who is hiding their beliefs from the people.

  2. Sharla Huckabey

    I appreciate the things you shared about President Donald Trump. I have my opinion on these topics and the President’s stance. I was unaware of some of the things you shared, but I am glad that the President helped with Child Welfare.
    I realize these blogs are not supposed to be about whether we like the President, so I will not say any more than the fact that I voted for him and will again.

    • Victoria Tichenor

      Hi Sharla,

      Thank you for taking time to comment. I’m glad I could give you some new found information about President Trump’s views on child welfare. I also just want to say that their is nothing bad about voting for him or anything these are just some views that he has.

  3. Sarai Gomez

    I, too, am not a fan of Former President Trump, but I give credit where credit is due. I was pleased but surprised when he gave importance to the COVID-19 vaccine and invested $14 billion from the federal government; he signed off on it and, at that time, supported it.
    I think that no matter the administration in the white house, no one will ever be pleased with the leadership. Some are worse than others.
    Trump insighted hate and open discrimination, but we also have to recognize that some of the policies did, in fact, help. Taking that into account helps us to not put on blinders and in essence be like the party we disagree with, denying facts.

  4. Josh Fine

    I try to be unbiased when reading the blogs that relate to political personalities, though it is very challenging for me. Regardless, I feel that there is far more evidence of President Trump’s racism. So much that there is a Wikipedia page dedicated to documenting it. Wikipedia is not necessarily the most credible source, but the articles that the information is derived from are clearly cited on the page. Some “Highlights” include: Housing discrimination, anecdotes about POC employees, refusing to condemn white supremacy, and some of his more contemporary statements about the people of Mexico. The historic racism is just one negative aspect of President Trump and my comment could be pages and pages long, but that would not be helpful for anyone. As we approach the upcoming election, I think about the “Tell it like it is” rhetoric that he has employed. Being truthful is inherently a good thing, but if your truth is based in hate and discrimination, I feel that you may not be fit to lead such a diverse country. I worry where the United States might be headed in the coming years.

  5. Simone Smith

    Thanks so much for your unbiased, informative blog about Trump! I’m so done with our two party system, they’re all liars and don’t care about anything but money and power… just two sides of the same coin. I don’t think that being honest about being racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, ableist and on and on makes one more deserving of my vote! But funding a genocide definitely doesn’t either. Man am I worried for us. I just hope this is all the very beginning of real change.

  6. Bell Voseberg

    I do not like Donald Trump. Right now If you read anything project 2025 I think a lot of topics it talks about and things it wants to change is the opposite of Soical Work. I do appreciate the unbiased blog. After all, it is hard to keep a middle ground in politics because it will always affect us directly. However I am not happy about the up coming election and him possibly being the republican candidate. Both candidates are too old to be in that high of a position. My grandpa is younger than him and is in an old folks home.

  7. Jillian Bowman

    Hi Victoria!
    I really love how colorful your vlog was. I’m not a huge supporter of President Trump for a number of reasons but I think it’s important to note that he did do some good in his presidency but overall I think it was outweighed by all the not so great. My biggest issue with him was and is his supporters. I find it a little sickening when people give a President celebrity status. At the end of the day they’re public servants who should he held to a higher standard than most and criticized to a higher degree.

  8. Elizabeth Jackson

    Hi, Victoria,
    I think you did a great job explaining Trump’s policies objectively and without bias. Something I think is ironic about Trump is his view on women’s rights. He tried to take away women’s right to abortion and also issued an executive order that challenged access to comprehensive health insurance, including contraceptives. It seems counterproductive to require women to carry out their pregnancy, but not work to prevent the pregnancy to begin with. It is admirable that he aided children in the foster care system, however, what would be the most helpful is giving women the freedom to choose to terminate the pregnancy if they feel that the child will end up in foster care. Great work on your blog!

  9. Jackson Foster

    Hi Victoria, thank you for sharing your opinion on Donald Trump, I like how you are only sharing the positive and negatives on Trump like I totally agree with you on the good and the bad he did like I don’t like him personally just because of how he tried to take away women’s rights and that there are racist moments of him but I do like the fact that he made health care affordable and that he made it a felony to abuse animals like those are laws we need so if someone were to ask me if I like Trump or not, I am between the middle of liking him and disliking him.