Walk a Mile In Their Shoes, an Exploration of Poverty

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(Image obtained from https://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/default/files/jrf/styles/jrf_full_mobile/public/infographics/levels_of_poverty-01_0.png?itok=-hVSSHeY) Understanding the Three Degrees of Poverty. In looking at the socioeconomic term that we label as being “poverty”, we first must understand the definition of poverty. As you can see in this image at the left, … Continued

In Black and White: A Study of Colorblindness

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(Image obtained from: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html) I think the concept of colorblindness is one that promotes racial inequity and only seeks to further cause a divide between individuals. This is because in denying race, we ignore systemic actions that oppress people of … Continued