Decolonization in Social Work

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“Decolonization”. It’s a popular buzzword for people on either side of the political spectrum. But what does it really mean, and how does it relate to the field of social work? Paul Michael Garrett has some thoughts. Who is Paul … Continued

What is the ADA?

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Many of us have heard the term “ADA” referenced, but what does that even mean? What protections does it afford any of us who are (or become) disabled? Let’s dive into this subject! “ADA” is the commonly used acronym for … Continued

Knowing the Wisdom of the Heart

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Much of social work’s history – and indeed, history in general – has been told through an incredibly white-centric perspective. Throughout centuries, the wisdom of Indigenous peoples has been ignored, erased, and silenced. Today, I had the incredible opportunity to … Continued