Who is Jill Stein?

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Jill Stein is a doctor who became a politician, she is known for being a part of the Green Party. The Green Party is a smaller political group that focuses on the environment and health issues. Jill Stein ran for … Continued

Exploring Trauma Disorders

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As people experience mental health and substance abuse, we, as social workers are there to help those in need during their healing journey. A trauma disorder is a mental health condition that can occur during or after a traumatic event. … Continued

Rice For Breakfast

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(photo from Canvas) Dr. Lesther Papa’s journey starts in the Central Pacific island of Kauai. Lesther Papa grew up in Kauai, Hawaii with his immigrant parents. Lesther Papa was an excellent student, starting from kindergarten, entering both middle school and … Continued


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This is coming from a small rural Alaska village girl’s point of view. I am reminded by my Yup’ik grandparents, “nalluyagiucaqunaku naken taillren,” which means to never forget where I come from. I come from Southwest rural Alaska, a small … Continued